This blog follows the journey of Sarah and Greg as they made their film. To see a trailer, read more, learn about the progress of the film or share your story visit AMERICANBEARFILM.COM

60 days. 25 States. 5 Bears.

Sarah and Greg are setting out on an adventure exploring American trust and fear through hospitality. Armed with their charm, courage, and a camera, they will rely on the kindness of strangers for a home each night, and if they're lucky, a few meals along the way.

The story began in summer 2009 when Greg exclaimed in his sleep, "We have to go to Bear, Colorado!" Unfortunately, no Bear actually exists in Colorado. However, there are five Bears in America, fortuitously located in a perfect a 'U' around the continental U.S. - in Washington, Idaho, Arizona, Arkansas, and Delaware. Following the trail of the Bears, Sarah and Greg will travel through 25 states of all different cultures, demographics, populations, and Americans.

Through conversations with locals, we will explore our themes on a personal level and embrace the stories that turn strangers into neighbors. Our discussions with scholars and professionals will dig into the philosophy and nature of a core aspect of what makes us human. We will understand why (or if) we let people into our hearts and our homes.

Check us out at:


The DP hunt is narrowing down.

So is the funding, unfortunately: Arizona Humanities Council determined that our production expenses weren't applicable to their funds, but they were very interested in our idea to have a screening tour in the states we shoot in, with Q&As and such.

But it's not all unfortunate! We still have plenty of ideas for funding. Plenty of film commissions to contact, private investors teeming with money, a couple grants we haven't heard back from, Sarah's meeting with the Bronfman Center tomorrow, and a forthcoming account.

Every now and then one of us looks at the other and just says, "This summer is going to be amazing." And it sure will be.

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